Brown's Ford of Johnstown

Nov 18, 2022

Your car’s brakes must be in good working condition to allow you to slow down and stop in a split second to avoid hazards that could lead to a collision. Below are ways to tell when your Ford F-150, Explorer, or Escape needs a brake repair from your Ford dealer to ensure you and your passengers are safe on the road.

The Brake Warning Lights Are On

Your Brake System light will warn you when there is a brake problem. If the Anti-Lock Braking System light is on, your ABS is not working. You can still brake, but you must ask your Ford technician to take a look as soon as possible.

The Brake Pads Are Worn and Thin

Visually inspect your brake pads; if they look worn and thin and are less than a quarter-inch thick, it’s time to replace them. Thin brake pads will affect your braking power and stopping distance.

You Hear Strange Noises

When you hear a high-pitched squealing or screeching sound when you brake, it’s a warning from the wear indicators built into the bake pads that the pads are wearing thin. If you don’t replace the pads, you start to hear awful grinding noises from the bare metal scraping against the steel rotors.

Your Brakes Are Unresponsive

Worn brake pads and low brake fluid will make your brake feel unresponsive. When you step on the brake pedal, it may feel spongy, and it will take longer for your car to slow down and come to a stop.

You Notice a Brake Fluid Leak

It could be a brake fluid leak if you see a transparent fluid with a yellowish-to-brown tint on the ground under your car. Leaking brake fluid will trigger your brake warning light and seriously affect your braking ability.

You Smell a Burning Odor

You will smell a burning odor when your brakes get too hot from prolonged and excessive braking. When the brakes are overheated, they will not work properly. Stop your car in a safe place, wait for the brakes to cool down, and schedule a brake service appointment at your dealership.

You Feel Vibrations Through the Brake Pedal

Rotors get warped due to overheating and wear. When the rotors are warped, they don’t make even contact with the brake pads, causing vibrations you will feel through the brake pedal.

Your Car Pulls to the Side

Brake pads don’t wear down at the same rate, and one side might wear faster than the other. Uneven brake pad wear will cause your car to pull to the left or right when you step on the brake pedal.

Regular brake system services are crucial to keep your brakes in good working order. Check your Ford owner’s manual for the recommended brake system intervals, and call Brown’s Ford of Johnstown today to schedule a brake service in Johnstown and ensure your safety.

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