Brown's Ford of Johnstown

Sep 23, 2022

The alternator is a component that no one thinks about. It quietly works away, producing the electricity for your car’s systems. Over time, your alternator can get worn or damaged, and you’ll need an alternator repair. When that happens, your friendly Ford dealer can help. We’d like you to know some signs that your alternator could be failing.

Screeching Noises

The alternator is powered by the movement of the alternator belt. This belt connects to the crankshaft and runs across a series of pulleys as your car moves. The movement of the belts causes the pulleys to spin. This spinning movement generates the power for the component attached to each pulley. Your alternator is connected to one of these pulleys.

An alternate belt is made from strong, reinforced rubber. It has to be tough, as it operates at high speed and under very hot conditions. If your alternator belt starts to go bad, it can jam or even slip slightly off one of the pulleys. If this happens, you’ll hear an intermittent screeching sound as the belt jams or runs off track. Our technicians can refit the belt or replace it depending on its condition.

Blown Fuses

All of the electrical systems in your car are controlled by fuses. A fuse in your car works the same as fuses in your home. They’re designed to protect the system they’re attached to from damage. An electrical spike, a short circuit, or other factors can damage an electrical system. When any of these factors are detected, the fuse will blow to protect its component.

Your alternator also has a fuse, and it will blow to protect the alternator from damage. The problem is a blown fuse will shut down the alternator, cutting off your car’s electrical supply. When the alternator shuts down, your battery has to support your car’s electrical demands. This can cause your battery to fail. Our technicians can quickly replace the fuse, and your alternator will restart.

Dim Headlights

Dim headlights can mean that your bulbs are close to failing. The dim lights can also be a sign that your alternator is failing. When an alternator starts to weaken, it produces less electricity. The reduced electricity supply will reach the point where your alternator can’t supply all of your car’s demands.

When your alternator doesn’t generate enough power, your car’s computer will assign power to components as needed. This can result in dim headlights, as the bulbs are supplied with only enough power to light up. We can test your alternator and replace it if it’s failing.

If your alternator is failing, we can fix the problem. Call us at Brown’s Ford of Johnstown and schedule your alternator repair in Johnstown today!